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Friday, August 11, 2017

Aunt Anne Uncle Raymond Aunt Clara left to right. Photo courtesy of my cousin Lisa Dunham who is Clara's granddaughter.

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An old man with a good memory

This was transcribed from my Uncle Clarence David “Bud” Neighbours handwritten journals by Dean Neighbors 20 Aug 2017 courtesy  of Bud's grand daughter Donna and Ed's Daughter Jana.  

“Mama” was my paternal grandmother Iva Mae Faughn's Neighbours. “Dad” was my grandpa James Levin Neighbours. “Millard was their adult son Millard Elldridge Neighbors. And yes, some spelled it Neighbours and some spelled it Neighbors but that's another story.

     “ Oct 29, 1981

To the Edgar Neighbours family.

Nov 6, 1931 started off a gray cloudy day. How well I remember it.

The evening late afternoon Mama starting having labor pains. The plan was to send us kids to a Neighbor's house. But the rain changed them. Dad called Dr. Nash from Sparks. He was an old man at the time. His driver and the Dr. started... got as far as grandpaw neighbors place the little creek coming out of William's place flooding road.

The only thing to do was for us kids to stay at home. It rained and lightning and thundered. A bad a storm as I ever remember.

Brother Millard was there. He was 22 yrs old at time. Dad sent him next door to the east to get Nancy Price. She was a large woman.

They put rest of children to bed. Dad and Nancy was going to deliver baby. Millard was still up sitting in kitchen. I was in west bedroom listening to the strange sounds.

Sometime after midnight heard crash. The whole house shook. Dad called out Millard get in here. When mrs Price saw the mess she fainted. Heard Millard say what are we going to do with her. Dad said let the old fool lay. So they delivered the baby while she lay on the floor. Next sound I heard was a loud cry. Then I went to sleep.

Next day about 9 a.m. Dr arrived. They had sat all night on the road waiting for water to go down. Dr. Nash examined Mama. Said everything was allright. Dad asked what do I owe u. Dr. answered some hot coffee and $10.00 (Ten dollars)

Times was hard then middle of the depression, Ed. You had less than a dollars worth of clothes 3 little waist that went around and pinned in back. Rest made from this and that of old clothes and feed sacks. You had a full head of black hair. Needed a haircut the day you were born.

I wanted to name you Charles. Dad wanted to name you Edgar Allen after the poet. We called you Edgar Allen when you was little to tease Mama but she named you Edgar. When mama said something she had what it took to make it so.

Congratulations on your 50th day of your birthday. May you have 50 more.

With Love
Your brother
CD (Bud) Neighbours  an old man with a good memory.”

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Jack Daniel's relationship to the Neighbors family

Some interesting things are coming from the DNA test I took. I got the following message from one of my DNA connections on Ancestry: "Dean-
I see we are 3rd cousins with common ancestors James Hiram Stricklin and Nancy Caroline Daniel. (Nancy was first cousin of Jack Daniel).
Joel Serafin
and, yes, that's Jack Daniel the whiskey distiller.
So, the Jack Daniel connection to our family is like this:
My father was John L. Neighbors
His father was James Levin Neighbors
His MOTHER was Sarah Ellen Stricklin
Her MOTHER was Nancy Caroline Daniel....first cousin of Jack Daniel.
here is the Wikipedia entry for Jack Daniel

Monday, July 10, 2017

DNA testing

I don't think I am going to post anything more about dna on the neighbors facebook page yet. I need to think about it for a while.

Here is the what I think at the moment.

1. the Ancestry DNA test is incredibly accurate as far as it goes.
a. I know of only 4 relatives of mine that have, for sure, taken this test: (1) my first cousin Fred Neighbors,  (2) my first cousin once removed, Lisa Dunham,  (3) Lisa's daughter, my first cousin twice removed, Rosalie and  Joyce Duncans husband, my fourth or fi cousin, Hugh Duncan. Hugh Duncan's great grandfather and my great grandfather were the same man: John Ledford Monroe Neighbors. The fact that this test was able to verify that information is absolutely amazing.
b. My test results, in fact, matched and  found all four relatives and precisely identified their relationship to me.

2. Why didn't the test show that Mark Neighbors (for example) is my cousin.
a. He hasn't taken the test, therefore his data is not in the computer and the test could not indicate that we were related.

3. Why didn't the test show my indian DNA.
a. Same reason as #2.
b. No indian relative of mine is in the data base.
c. There are only about 2 million people in ancestry's data base.
d. The population of earth is about 7 Billion people.
e. Ancestry's data base contains information on about (700000000 divided by 2000000 X100)                0.028% percent of the worlds population.
f. Finding that indian is harder than finding a needle in a haystack. In fact...that particular needle             is likely not even IN the haystack.

Ancestry DNA test results for Dean Neighbors Ancestry DNA results are in:. it turns out, my results say that I am 46% descended from western Europeans, 41% from the Irish, 8% from Scandinavia, 4% Great Britain and 1% Finland/Northwest Russia.
Some of you Neighbors (most of you) are going to be disappointed because it doesn't indicate any american indian ancestors in my DNA. This may be simply because a particular Gene skipped me (I DO look like my Mom)...or because there aren't many American Indian DNA samples in the database yet. Personally, I believe the family stories.
The DNA data also connected me to 1518 (wow) 4th cousins and above (4th to 1st) who have had the DNA test. I have looked at a few of them and HAVE SEEN some american indian in some of the Faughn descendants. I am going to look at this over the next few weeks and I will report back to you on what my conclusions are.
I will also try to figure out how to make my Ancestry Family tree public so that anyone can look at it. I think you will have to join Ancestry to view it...but there is a free membership level available if all you want to do is look.
Stay tuned.
For the Austian ( Rebecca Austian ) and Kimbleys ( Penny Armstrong-Frizzell )... I am, obviously, just as much Austian as I am Neighbors and what I have looked at so far indicates that I got the Irish and western european from both Austian and Neighbors ancestors.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Ada Evelyn Faughn

This is my Aunt Ada Evelyn Faughn on her wedding day. Ada was my grandma Iva Mae Faughn Neighbors's younger sister.

When Ada Evelyn Faughn was born on April 2, 1894, her father, George, was 38, and her mother, Martha, was 29. She married William Henry Sawyer and they had ten children together. She then married William Joseph Burch in 1940 in California. She died on June 11, 1975, in Eugene, Oregon, at the age of 81.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Carrie Belle Faughn

This is my great aunt Carrie Belle Faughn and her husband James Monroe Mitchell. Carrie was my grand mother Iva Mae Faughn's (Neighbors) younger sister. She was born Feb 22, 1899 in Springfield, Missouri. She married James Mitchell June 11, 1916 at the age of 17, in Ofuskee, Oklahoma. They had 9 children in 17 years. She died Nov 29, 1992 at the age of 92 in Modesto, California, where she had lived for many years.

James Monroe Mitchel and Carrie Belle Faughn Mitchel