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Monday, December 22, 2014

John L. Neighbors and his mother Iva Mae Faughn Neighbors 1956

James L and Iva M Neighbors and their children 1939

Neighbors Family 1939
Front Row L - R Earl, Ed, Ann, Jackie and Clara
Back Row L-R John, Millard, George, Raymond, Bud, Floyd, Grandma Iva Mae and Grandpa James L. Neighbors

There was a 25 year span between the oldest, John and the youngest, Ed. Ed was 8 years old when this photo was taken. He met his brother, Millard, for the first time on this day. Millard was gown up and had left home before Ed's birth. John lived locally but was also married and had two children older than Ed and one older than Earl. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Vera Mae (Jackie) Neighbors McCall 1940

My Aunt Vera Mae Neighbors McCall. High school graduation about 1940?

Charles Manning Austian, Armina Hunt Austian

My Maternal Grandparents, Charles Manning Austian, Armina Hunt Austian.
Wedding Photo 1898, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

John L Neighbors family

Two poses. About 1955 on the Neighbors place East Ave, Rural Fresno County, California
Back row L-R, Keith Neighbors, Jim Neighbors, David Neighbors
2nd Row L-R John Neighbors, Jean Neighbors, Carol Neighbors
Front row: Dean Neighbors

Clara Neighbors Hiemer and her daughter Rosalie

Five Generations

James Levin Neighbors with his Aunt Josephine L Neighbors, his son George Neighbors, George's daughter Wilma Neighbors Hollis and  her children Gregory (Greg) and Rebecca (Becky) Hollis. Five generations represented. Photo taken April 1956 on the occasion of James L. Neighbors and Iva M. Neighbors 50th anniversary.